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Our history

The history of tea: from Shennon to Racine

Almost 5000 years of history and legends ...

The tea was discovered in the year 2737 BC by Augustus Shennon (Shen Nong神农), father of Chinese medicine and agriculture, also called “the divine cultivator”. At a time when epidemics proliferated, he roamed immense territories in search of new medicinal plants that he did not hesitate to taste in order to establish their virtues. While one day he was particularly intoxicated, he collapsed at the foot of a tea plant and boiled water. A light wind threw a few leaves into the water. Shennon drank the brew which he enjoyed and thanks to which he was fully recovered. Tea was born!

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And in Europe ...

It was only at the beginning of the 17th century that tea reached Europe. First considered as a medicine and sometimes decried by certain doctors, it had some success in France with the aristocracy, the courts and gentlemen, including Louis XIV, Racine or Madame de Sévigné. It will take many years before the West manages to unravel the secret of its creation and especially for it to become a social reference. Today, tea is the most drunk drink in the world after water.


depuis mon enfance en Chine, j'ai développé ma passion en approfondissant mes connaissances sur les propriétés et les vertus du thé. Tous les thés que j'ai sélectionnés sont de qualité supérieure, authentiques avec une histoire unique. Ils proviennent principalement des montagnes de Yunnan ou de leurs régions d'origine (Sichuan, Fujian...)  

Master Shennon

aims to transmit the culture and art of tea to you by offering different varieties of high-end tea as well as accessory products. Our range of natural teas without additives meets the requirements of customers concerned with well-being.



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